
About Us

WH FACTORY is the new Company in the TC Group galaxy, specialized in data-driven solutions for events. With a national and international presence, we are committed to providing innovative and sustainable services to continuously improve event management.

WH Factory completes the range of Global Audio Services, Video and software provided exclusively by TC Group companies. The focus is on complex Data Analysis like Event Strategic Output for the development of ideas sure to grow.

Belonging to TC Group guarantees a solid backing and a diffuse national presence with Branches in Milan, Florence and Rome.

The digitalized Services offered resepect criteria for sustainability with a low environmental impact and notable budget savings for Clients.

Discover WH Factory


Data Analysis


Why does WH Factory collect Event Data? What does it mean?
For you, a strategic consultancy providing advanced reports so you can manage high-performance and personalized Events.


The tool used for data analysis is METRICS, a proprietary cloud Software Suite.

Discovery Metrics

What do Event Participants take home when the Event lights are shut off?
Human relationships, content and data.
Everything that isn't measurable doesn't create value and becomes EPHEMERAL.